PFMA Profile

Pak Foot Wear - PFMA Profile

Our Profile

The Footwear manufacturing industry is one of the ancient and major industries of Pakistan. It could not get any statutory shelter previously, but in February 1983 an adhoc committee was formed under chairmanship of Mr. M. A. Haleem Afsar who initiated a case with Ministry of Commerce (Director Trade Organizations), Government of Pakistan for providing statutory shelter by granting a license under Section-3 of Trade Organization Ordinance 1961, which was granted in September 1985. The Association obtained membership of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry on 26 October 1985. In 2016, PFMA has been awarded with ISO 9001 : 2015 due to its oustanding performance as an Association


Footwear Sourcing, Trade Policy and Factory Compliance Expertise.
keeps members updated on customs rulings, product recalls, and general footwear duty and import trends.
Industry networking opportunities include monthly and annual meetings.
Committees and working groups for Customs, Taxation, Budget, Mega Leather Show and Development. Committee for growth of Footwear Sector.
Efforts for flow of footwear; reduction of trade barriers and fair treatment of the footwear industry.
Speaks for industry – drafting and sending letters to government officials on issues important to industry.
Holds workshops, seminars and training sessions to assist companies understand trends and critical updates on the footwear business, training of CEOs and workforce to work on modern lines to get the footwear industry trained in line with the world best industries.